Prayer & share
2 May

Unspoken Prayers

I have just read this devotional from the little book, ‘In Green Pastures’ for 2nd May, by J.R. Miller, and hope it may bless you…

“Every thought that flies through your brain is heard in heaven. God hears wishes, heart-longings, aspirations, soul-hungerings and thirstings. Do not grieve, then, if you cannot find words in which to tell God what you want, if you cannot put into well-defined thoughts the hopes and hungers of your heart. When words and even thoughts fail, pray in silent yearnings, in unutterable longings, and God will understand just as well as if you spoke in common language. Much of our best praying is done when we sit at God’s feet and do not speak at all, but only let our hearts talk…

“Rather, as friends sit sometimes, hand in hand,
Nor mar with words the sweet speech of their eyes,
So in soft silence let us oftener bow,
Nor try with words to make God understand.
Longing is prayer; upon its wings we rise
To where the breath of heaven beats upon our brow.”

Love to all,

11 April

Hello Everyone – just to thank you all so, so much for upholding Ron and me in your prayers and thoughts on Wednesday. The Lord answered them so perfectly… We knew He was carrying us, and Mum’s service was one of the most peaceful, still, and precious times I have ever known. God bless you, dear brothers and sisters,

With love, Liz

10 April

Mandy writes;

Hello all,
I am wondering how you are all coping with isolation and not being able to go out so much.
I’ve given up thinking about when life will return to ‘normal’ and making sense of the horrific death statistics. As one of my friends said to me, ‘life is precious’.
It’s been encouraging that more people are accessing Church services on the internet. If anyone is interested Spring Harvest is being broadcast on You Tube from 13th – 17th April.
I’ve certainly never prayed so much and learning the meaning of the phrase ‘be still and know that I am God’.

Love Mandy

5 April - Specific pointers for your intercession at this time

"As the nations plunge ever deeper into the Covid-19 abyss, more than ever, prayer must be our first resort. Below, I offer some ways to pray in the current crisis. As well as the points suggested, please take time to look up the scriptures referenced and use as the basis for your prayers. 'The effective prayer of a righteous man avails much'” (James 5:16). Link here 

4 April - A Positive thought and affirmative action.

I am focusing on the positives. We will all have very clean houses by the end of this pandemic and nice gardens but more than that, I’m finding more exciting the possibility of revival!! Imagine how much more prayer is being raised right now world- wide. I think I pray a lot but my prayers have increased this last couple of weeks.

I’ve found a lovely song called; ‘Raise a Hallelujah’ by Bethal Music, you probably already know if but if you don’t look it up its very soothing xx 

Kay and Co.

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